We encourage renters to provide feedback on our services – good or bad. You can provide feedback in writing, by phone or email . You can click this link [email protected] to create an email with your feedback that will be forwarded to WPI.

Complaints Policy

WPI’s complaints policy outlines how we handle dissatisfaction with our services and our decisions. Its purpose is to:

  • Allow the right to complain or appeal
  • Make it easy to exercise that right
  • Only complaints and appeals are covered by this policy.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is when someone tells WPI they are dissatisfied with our services, standards, practices or policies. It is a complaint about WPI and something that we have done or not done.

A dispute is when the complaint is about someone outside the organisation, about a tenant or it is covered by other legislation (e.g. under the jurisdiction of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997). If you want to inform us about a dispute, click this link [email protected] to create an email with your feedback that will be forwarded to WPI.

Who can make a complaint?

Anyone has a right to express their dissatisfaction with WPI’s services or standards, practices or policies.

What is an appeal?

An appeal is when a tenant or an applicant asks for a decision made by WPI to be reviewed.

Who can make an appeal?

Only tenants or applicants can make an appeal to WPI.

How do I make a complaint or make an appeal?

You can follow these steps or choose to start at the point you feel most comfortable.

  • Talk directly to the person you think is responsible for sorting out the problem.
  • Talk the problem over with someone not directly involved in the problem.
  • You may ask someone independent of WPI to help you with your complaint.
  • If it will help you to explain your situation, tell WPI that you require an interpreter and what language you require, WPI will pay the cost of the interpreter service.
  • Describe what happened, why you are not satisfied and what action you think should be taken.
  • Keep a record of who you speak to, what they said they would do and the date and time.

Complaints and Appeals can be made in the following ways:

Online: Please complete the online form on the right (or below if you’re on a mobile).

Telephone: Please contact 03 96647800 and ask to speak first with the staff member involved. If you are unhappy with the response, you can have your concerns referred to the appropriate manager.

Email: Please email your complaint or appeal to [email protected]

Post: Please send your complaint or appeal to 

Women’s Property Initiatives

PO Box 18014

Collins Street East VIC 8003

To help you structure a complaint, please use the online form. You can also print the online form by following this link – ‘Complaint Form

How does WPI handle Complaints and Appeals?

  • WPI will ensure complaints and appeals are addressed promptly and fairly
  • Register, investigate, resolve and record complaints and appeals within 30 days
  • Tell you our decision regarding your complaint or appeal
  • If appropriate, advise you of other avenues to pursue to satisfactorily resolve the complaint


The file record of the complaint will be confidential. No identifying information will be communicated to other tenants or applicants, people in the organisation who are not directly involved with resolving the complaint, or people outside the organisation, without the compainant’s permission.


Complaint form

Maximum file size: 503.32MB

Do you need an interpreter? *
Send a copy