Get involved
There are many ways to get involved and help women and children at risk of homelessness
Making a donation is a powerful way to help women and children in crisis. There are many ways that you can help us create a home and a brighter future for vulnerable women and their children.
Your donation, gift, fundraising event or partnership will help us continue to provide homes for women and children who have. experienced housing crisis or homelessness.
Fundraise For Us
Our resources are always stretched, so if you’d like to fundraise for us, we’d love your help. Any contribution large or small is welcome.
If you are interested in fundraising for WPI, please complete our permission to fundraise form and we will send you a letter of authority.
Gifts In Wills
By leaving a gift in your will to Women’s Property Initiatives you will make a profound change to the life of a woman at risk of homelessness.
With a lean team, we offer lots of opportunities for skilled volunteers. Please email [email protected] to discuss how your skills could be used at WPI.
Workplace Giving
Many organisations offer matched giving to increase your impact.
When donors give through workplace giving, the tax benefits are immediate. There is no need to organise receipts at the end of June and no risk of missing out on claims through lost paperwork.
We would love to be your chosen charity.
You can search for us on Good2Give if your organisation uses it.
Otherwise, get in touch to discuss how your organisation can participate in workplace giving.
Business Partnerships
A business partnership with WPI is a strong and supportive alliance that helps us achieve our mission of helping women and children at risk of homelessness. A partnership offers your business the chance to create real impact with the work that we do via corporate sponsorship or donations, workplace giving or team volunteering. By aligning your business with a highly-trusted and well-loved organisation committed to fighting women’s homelessness.
Email us if you would like to discuss sponsorship and partnership opportunities further.