We are here to help you. Please refer to our range of renters’ resources designed to help you access the services you need.
If something in your home is damaged or broken, please report it to WPI as soon as possible. If the problem is not urgent, you can complete our online Maintenance Request and WPI will be notified by email.
You can also contact the office to make a report during business hours: please call Karina on 0407 082 261 or Lesley on 0488 111 504 or email [email protected]. There are different response times depending on the nature of the repair.
Feedback And complaints
We encourage renters to provide feedback on our services – good or bad. You can provide feedback in writing, by phone or email. You can click this link [email protected] to create an email with your feedback that will be forwarded to WPI.
Ensuring that you are safe and have a roof over your head is the most important thing. It means that other areas of your life can be managed better. To maintain your tenancy it is also important that your rent is paid on time.
We’ve compiled some common frequently asked questions (FAQs) that we’ve had from renters over the years and provided answers to these below.
For any further and more specific enquiries, please contact your Tenancy & Property Manager.
WPI policies are regularly reviewed and are available for download as a PDF file.
Information for residents
More information for residents including renter’s rights, where to get legal assistance and financial counselling and how to provide notice to vacate.