Zora, who raised her son as a single mum. It was always a battle to make ends meet with a limited income. When her son became an adult, he helped with the rent and expenses which made a huge difference. For a while, life was more comfortable, but when he moved out to start his own family – she just couldn’t afford to pay the rent on her own. Zora felt real panic, not knowing where she would go. Like many people in this situation, she was ashamed and didn’t want anyone to know about her housing crisis. This anxiety took a huge toll on her mental health.
After connecting with support services, Zora was offered a WPI home in Melbourne’s western suburbs. “When I saw the apartment it felt like it was my own. It was secure. Not living with the fear of losing my home has changed my life completely.”
Living in a comfortable apartment in a vibrant neighbourhood, where the rent is affordable, has enabled Zora to continue her work as an at home carer for the elderly. This rewarding work gives her purpose. She is also able to enjoy spending time with her son and his family and her increased financial security even allows her to spoil her granddaughters a little bit!
Zora’s mental and physical health has improved significantly with the reduction in stress. She says she was fortunate to find a safe and affordable home. “I know there are so many other women out there facing desperate situations. I am one of the lucky ones.” Zora’s 11-year-old rescue dog, Emily, is also very happy and comfortable in their space.