Help us help women escape our housing crisis

The 2021 Census data shows that on any given night, there are almost 54,000 Australian women who are homeless. You may know one of them. The number of women who are homeless is growing at a faster rate than men. Two out of every three people approaching homeless services are female, and 1 out of every two are turned away because these crises services are overwhelmed.

Who we are

Women’s Property Initiatives is a not-for-profit community housing provider. For 25 years, we have been creating new beginnings for women and children at risk of homelessness by providing permanent and affordable homes, access to support networks and ongoing advocacy.

Why do we need more affordable homes for women?

Women face inherent financial disadvantage that stems from gender inequality and restricts access to secure and affordable housing. Women earn less than men. They have limits on their ability to work full-time and they spend more time out of the workforce caring for children and the elderly – work that is unpaid and chronically undervalued.

What we do

WPI provides long-term housing solutions that help to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Our homes provide a foundation for happy and healthy lives. WPI currently owns and manages 122 high quality, long-term homes accommodating more than 280 women and children.

25 new homes by 2025

Last year on our 25th anniversary, we set ourselves a goal to deliver 25 new homes for women led families by 2025. That is 25 families who won’t have to worry about having a roof over their heads. In the past 12 months we have secured funding for 23 of this 25 and we need your help to deliver the final 2!

Our stories

The women that we help are diverse. They include women escaping family violence, migrants who are starting new lives, sole parents and older women who are priced out the rental market, women with disabilities and women exiting prison. Read some of their stories

WPI homes allow women to heal from trauma, live with dignity and contribute to their communities.

Jeanette Large

Our Media + Marketing Partners

Thank you to our media and marketing partners for their support in helping us raise awareness for women and women-led families at risk of homelessness.

WPI Media & Marketing Partners

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